
Rome guide map

Map of Rome guide. Rome guide map (Lazio - Italy) to print. Rome guide map (Lazio - Italy) to download. This Rome guide map can help you plan your trip, navigate the endless amount of sites and attractions, learn how to get around in the chaos, and save money in one of the more expensive cities in Italy. Rome has a ton of churches. Wander into each as you pass by and take in the great art, sculptures, decorations, and stained glass. The ruins of the ancient Rome port of Ostia Antica are well worth a visit. The Pantheon looks today much like it did nearly 2,000 years ago when it was first a temple before it became a church. The Spanish Steps are a long and grand staircase in Rome to the Piazza di Spagna at the base, with Trinità dei Monti looming at the top.
Explore Rome most impressive squares, fountains, monuments and attractions with the help of Rome guide map. Rome is a breath-taking open-air museum and these are its top sights. The Sistine Chapel is one of the greatest treasures of the Vatican City. Designed by the brilliant Michelangelo, it is a must-see tourist attraction. San Sebastiano, San Callisto, Domitilla, Priscilla, and Sant’Agnese... Discover Rome's various catacombs, what they are and how to visit them.