Rome neighborhood map
Map of Roman neighborhoods. Rome neighborhood map (Lazio - Italy) to print. Rome neighborhood map (Lazio - Italy) to download. The city of Rome is made up of 35 quartieri urbani (urban Rome neighborhood) spread over 22 rioni (districts). Rome neighborhood unique patchwork of diverse neighborhoods, both inside and outside the ancient Aurelian walls as its shown in Rome neighborhood map, represents the many facets of this modern Italian capital.
Finding accommodation in a new city for the first time might be challenging, especially when Rome is as sprawling and full of unmissable sightseeing places as Rome is. If you are wondering on where to stay in Rome the Rome neighborhood map will help you familiarize with its main neighborhood areas that are well connected and highly recommendable for your stay.
From the most ancient parts to the modern neighborhoods of Rome, there is something for everybody full of antiquity and cultural monuments as its shown in Rome neighborhood map. Families with children, solo travelers, new couples, hipsters and classy people will enjoy the atmosphere of the Eternal City in the right Rome neighborhood.