
Rome bus route map

Rome Italy bus map. Rome bus route map (Lazio - Italy) to print. Rome bus route map (Lazio - Italy) to download. Rome bus routes are possibly the most complex of Europe. The most important information is found on each bus stop as its shown in Rome bus route map. This includes the bus route, the first and last bus and its timetable. Although this does seem straightforward, once there, having waited 30 minutes without seeing one bus drive past, things might seem a littly trickier. The good news is that many Rome bus stops now include screens with the number of the bus and when the next is due to arrive.
The bus lines route in Route appear at the very top and below are the stations they serve. If, for example, you want to go to Piazza Venezia to see the Vittoriano monument, you should take bus lines 46 or 916 as its mentioned in Rome bus route map. In most cases (as in this one) the letter U is indicated. It refers to the standard bus lines that run during the day. Sometimes you can also see an X or an E. Buses marked with a U or an X are in principle the only interesting buses for tourists. Rome bus route run all day long and allow you to go quickly where you want.
Moreover, each bus stop in Rome has the routes with a clear explanation as you can see in Rome bus route map. There, you will find major stops along the way of all buses. Most buses in the city run daily from 5.30 am to midnight. Those Rome buses that run during the night time have route numbers prefaced by an “N.”Don’t expect to get a seat during the day time because frequently buses are crowded. Moreover, don’t expect that the transport will come on time.