
Fl1 train Rome map

Rome fl1 train map. Fl1 train Rome map (Lazio - Italy) to print. Fl1 train Rome map (Lazio - Italy) to download. A cheaper alternative (by almost half) to the dedicated Leonardo Express train between Termini Station in central Rome and Fiumicino airport is to use the Rome fl1 regional train. Note: you will see 'Regionale', on your ticket, not fl1 train Rome, representing the fact it is a regional train. The fl1 train Rome starts at Fiumicino Airport and is a stopping train that runs about every 15 minutes at peak times as its shown in fl1 train Rome map; 30min off peak times, Sundays and bank holidays. From Fiumicino it loops around the centre of Rome anti-clockwise without going into the centre and Termini Station.
The city of Rome has a basic regional commuter train network of 8 lines, called the fl1 train Rome service. Fl1 train Rome terminates at Rome main airport Fiumicino, provides a stopping service circling around the city. Fiumicino Airport is west of Rome, the fl1 train Rome circles around the south of Rome then up through the eastern suburbs as you can see in fl1 train Rome map. Along the way it interchanges with all the other FL services, the Rome Metro and countless local bus and tram routes. However it does not go into the centre of Rome and the main train station Termini Station, but you can connect to another fl1 train Rome which does.