
Rome Italy map

Rome and Italy map. Rome Italy map (Lazio - Italy) to print. Rome Italy map (Lazio - Italy) to download. Rome as its shown in Rome Italy map is the capital of Italy and the capital of Lazio (Latin: Latium). Rome is located in the central-western portion of the Italian Peninsula, on the Tiber River within the Lazio region of Italy. In 1871 Rome became the capital of the Kingdom of Italy, and in 1946 that of the Italian Republic.
Rome became the focus of hopes of Italian reunification when the rest of Italy was reunited under the Kingdom of Italy with a temporary capital at Florence. In 1861, Rome was declared the capital of Italy even though it was still under the control of the Pope (see Rome Italy map). During the 1860s, the last vestiges of the Papal States were under French protection, thanks to the foreign policy of Napoleon III.
Rome is the principal town of the homonymous Province, which includes Rome metropolitan area and extends further north until Civitavecchia. The Province of Rome is the 9th largest by area in Italy as you can see in the Rome Italy map. At 5,352 square kilometres (2,066 sq mi), Rome dimensions are comparable to the region of Liguria. Moreover, Rome is also the capital of the Lazio region.
Rome is currently an beta+ world city, falling down from its alpha- status in 2008, along with Berlin, Stockholm, Athens, Prague, Montreal and Vancouver, to name a few (see Rome Italy map). With a score of 2.56, Rome was also ranked in 2010 as 28th in the Global Cities Index (moving up two places from its 2008 position), being the highest-ranking city in Italy (Milan comes second at 42nd).