
Rome parking map

Map of Rome parking. Rome parking map (Lazio - Italy) to print. Rome parking map (Lazio - Italy) to download. If you wish to park close to the city center of Rome to explore the city on foot, you will find the following parking lots as its shown in Rome parking map: The Saba Villa Borghese parking lot, located at 33 viale del Galoppatoio, near the Spanish Steps. The Gianicolo parking lot, located in via Urbano VIII 16/C in the Trastevere district. The parking lot in Piazza Cavour, located in Piazza Cavour. The Prati parking lot, close to the Vatican and located at 62 piazza dell'Unità.
Rome parking lots are open 24 hours a day and cost between €2.30 and €3 per hour. However, there are daily rates (12 hours) ranging from 18€ to 22€. If you wish to park your car for the day, I think it is a good solution, simple and easy to access (see Rome parking map). An even cheaper solution that will save you from looking for a place for too long is to park in a parking lot outside Rome, close to a metro stop.