
Villa borghese map

Borghese map. Villa borghese map (Lazio - Italy) to print. Villa borghese map (Lazio - Italy) to download. Villa Borghese is a large landscape garden in the naturalistic English manner in Rome, containing a number of buildings, museums (see Galleria Borghese) and attractions as its shown in villa borghese map. Villa borghese is the second largest public park in Rome (80 hectares or 148 acres) after that of the Villa Doria Pamphili. The gardens were developed for the Villa Borghese Pinciana ("Borghese villa on the Pincian Hill"), built by the architect Flaminio Ponzio, developing sketches by Scipione Borghese, who used it as a villa suburbana, a party villa, at the edge of Rome, and to house his art collection. The gardens as they are now were remade in the early nineteenth century.
The Borghese Gallery is located in Villa Borghese, the largest public park in Rome, on the north-east fringes of the city centre as its mentioned in villa borghese map. Villa Borghese features a lake, temples, fountains, statues and several museums, the most famous of which is the the Borghese Gallery. If you are an art fan, villa borghese is the place for you; with works by Rubens, Canova, Bernini, Raphael and more.
Villa Borghese is a large landscape garden surrounding the Villa Borghese Gallery. Originally the Villa Borghese was a privately owned 'party villa' and the gardens as they are now were laid out in an English style in the 19th century before the property was handed over to the state. The Villa Borghese Gallery Gardens are filled with fountains, monuments and diverse flora and you can visit then after your visit to the art gallery as you can see in villa borghese map.